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The 15th Annual OCEANetwork Conference
For Such a Time as This
June 12 & 13, 2009

Other sessions recomended for encouragement include:
A Healthy Homeschool Marriage
Balancing Home, Marriage, and Home Schooling
Capturing the Heart of Homeschooling
How to Ride the Rapids without Falling out of the Boat
It's Time to be Wise
Parental Rights: The Next Great Battle for Homeschoolers
Raising Motivated Children
Showing of Trojan Horse-not available
The 7 Termites in Homeschool Organizations
The Blessing of America: A Vision for the Future
Training the Soul of a Child
More sessions for encouragement
It's Time to be Wise
Speaker: J. Michael Smith

In this address, Mike contrasts godly wisdom (which Christians should be trying to follow) and worldly wisdom (wisdom from below) as it relates to specific issues that we all deal with in the homeschool community. He explains that there are two conflicting worldviews or belief systems today, orthodoxy and progressivism. Orthodoxy is committed to an external, definable and transcendent authority for truth. This truth comes from God and is given to us primarily through His Word, the Bible. In contrast, progressivism asserts that moral authority is to be defined by the spirit of the modern age, a spirit of rationalism and subjectivism. Truth tends to be viewed as a process, as a reality and is ever unfolding depending upon the circumstances. He will explain how certain important U.S. Supreme Court decisions have been affected by this new progressive thinking. Mike will then break down how these two differing views are affecting education and specifically, the freedom to home educate. The good news is that truth sets one free. The good news is we know the truth, we simply have to live and battle for the truth. Homeschoolers have demonstrated their willingness to do so, hence our hope for the future.

CD: $5.50

For more information on J. Michael Smith and other sessions that J. Michael Smith will present, please click here.

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